Turkey GEKAP, Deposit Management System and GCA Pilot Project

Turkey GEKAP, Deposit Management System and GCA Pilot Project

What is GEKAP?

The statement of GEKAP by the Ministry is stated as follows;

“It is the amount determined in the attached list (1) of the Environmental Law No. 2872, depending on the type of product, in the supply of the products within the scope of the Regulation on the Recovery Contribution Fee to the market.”

What is Deposit Return System (DIS)

Working with Prof. Dr Hüseyin Erdem Görgün studying at Istanbul Technical University Environmental Engineering Department to prevent waste by recycling beverage packaging materials.

As GCA, we closely follow the process in which we act together with packaging manufacturers and provide support for the actions that need to be taken.

As a result of the declaration published in the Official Gazette on 24.12.2020, the Turkish Environment Agency establishes the infrastructure of the Deposit Management System (DYS) application and the execution of its operations.

The purpose of this Law; The Turkish Environment Agency is established to prevent environmental pollution and contribute to the protection, improvement and development of green areas, to increase resource efficiency in line with the circular economy and zero waste approach, and to carry out activities for the establishment, operation, monitoring and inspection of a deposit management system on a national scale.

In order to fulfil the duties assigned by this Law, the Turkish Environment Agency, which has a legal personality and is subject to the provisions of private law, has been established.

The activities to be carried out by the Agency in line with the environmental strategies and policies determined by the Ministry are as follows:

  • Establish, operate, or have the deposit management system installed; to ensure that the relevant parties are included in the deposit management system, determine their obligations, and receive and return the deposit, fees, and guarantees determined by the Ministry.

  • To implement the necessary administrative regulations and measures, including the permit and approval procedures, and carry out the controls needed to establish, implement, and monitor the deposit management system infrastructure for the products subject to deposit application by the Ministry.

  • Carrying out activities for the improvement of the environment.

  • Contributing to the establishment and implementation of a zero waste management system.

  • To contribute to the activities related to the recovery of the recyclable products after their use and the management of the recyclable wastes

  • In order to create sensitivity and awareness in public; to prepare and publish visual, audio and written publications; to cooperate with the press and media organs; to carry out activities such as campaigns, competitions and promotions.

  • To organize training and certificate programs, carry out scientific studies, establish documentation, research and application centres, laboratories and museums.

  • To cooperate, develop joint projects and carry out activities with local governments, national or international institutions or organizations, universities, non-governmental organizations and actual or legal persons in the country or abroad; to provide financial and technical support to municipalities, particular provincial administrations, educational institutions and other institutions and organizations, if deemed appropriate.

To access the entire official newspaper, please click here.

We are also working on a pilot project that we believe will reveal very valuable information parallel to the deposit project. We will share detailed information with you when the project lines and stakeholders are finalized in the coming periods.