A Different Aspect Of Recycling: What is Ekomat?

It is a pilot recycling project that provides 100% recycling of glass, plastic and metal beverage packages with deposit return machines. EKOMAT Project was first implemented in Yalova in Turkey. The EKOMAT Project, financed by GCA and Park Cam and carried out by the Bircam Foundation, started with the cooperation of the municipalities of Yalova and Çiftlikköy, and 30 EKOMATs were located at 15 points in Yalova, which was chosen as the pilot province.


Citizens who go to deposit return machines earn points worth of money from their recyclable wastes with the mobile application, while glass, metal and plastics recycled in this way both contribute to the circular economy and reduce the CO2 footprint.

For more information about EKOMAT, you can click on the link:



A Different Aspect Of Recycling: What is Ekomat?

